Actress Poorna has different plans apart from making it big in tinsel town. The actress made her debut with ‘Muniyaandi Vilangial Moonramandu and lately made great time in South Indian film industry with more offers.Although, the actress has got more offers in hand including Kannada and Telugu film industry, Poorna is stick with another constant dream. It’s about commencing a dance school for children and enhances their potential.Says Poorna: ‘I feel that dance school would indeed offer a sort of permanent income and will perhaps help me to share my knowledge with children. I would very much happy if those children bring honor to my name when they’re in higher status.’
‘Filmdom Can Last For Few Days’ – Actress Poorna
Actress Poorna has different plans apart from making it big in tinsel town. The actress made her debut with ‘Muniyaandi Vilangial Moonramandu and lately made great time in South Indian film industry with more offers.Although, the actress has got more offers in hand including Kannada and Telugu film industry, Poorna is stick with another constant dream. It’s about commencing a dance school for children and enhances their potential.Says Poorna: ‘I feel that dance school would indeed offer a sort of permanent income and will perhaps help me to share my knowledge with children. I would very much happy if those children bring honor to my name when they’re in higher status.’